Orange County
(and a small bit of Rockland County)
New York
Arden Surebridge (ASB) - Red Triange Blaze
Red Cross (RC) - Red Cross Blaze
Long Path (LP) - Green Blaze
Hiking Partner:
Marc Kushner
Total Time: 3 Hours
Total Distance: 2.5 Miles
This was another enjoyable fall day with beautiful foliage and a beautiful sky. Went a little slower on this hike to enjoy nature and take pictures. Started at the parking area at Lake Skanatati off of Seven Lakes Drive. Climbed up the ASB Trail to the view atop Pine Swamp Mountain, where an excellent view of Lake Skanatati and Lake Kanauwake are afforded. From the view spurred off on the RC Trail, back down the mountain, across Seven Lakes Drive, and onto the shore of Lake Askoti.
This part of the Lake is very serene with boulder jagging into the crystal clear water. We spent some time here just taking photos and enjoying the setting. Then continued up the trail as it climbed the eastern part of Hasenclever Mountain. There is a great view here, which isn't shown on the Trail Conference Map, where you can see all the way to Hogencamp Mountain very clearly. Continued along the RC Trail past the Telephone Wires and to intersection with the dirt road near Hasenclever Road.
Our original plan was to spur off to the Hasenclever Mine, but due to time constraints we took this road back towards the shore of Lake Askoti. Because of all the leaves on trail, we accidentally ventured off the road and ended up bushwacking near the shore of the lake until 7 Lakes Drive, and then took a tiny portion of the Long Path back to the car.
Map of the route
Lake Skannatati from the parking area.
Ascending Pine Swamp Mountain on the ASB
On top of Pine Swamp Mountain.
Facing south towards Lake Skannatati and Kanawauke
Pine Swamp Mountain view facing southwest.
Zoom into Little Long Pond and Black Rock Mnt.
Facing southeast.
Me at the view of Pine Swamp Mountain
Marc and I atop Pine Swamp Mnt.
Facing south.
Same location facing west,
towards Hogencamp Mnt.
Marc took a picture of me showing him the map.
Crossing 7 Lakes Drive on the Red Cross
Lake Askoti near the northern shore
Me on a rock on the north shore of Lake Askoti
A man boating in Lake Askoti
View from the lookout on eastern
part of Hasenclever Mountain.
Facing west towards Hogencamp Mountain.
Zoomed on Hogencamp Mountain from above view.
Black Vulture.
Me walking on the Red Cross Trail
The Telephone Lines crossing the Red Cross Trail
A Tree along the Red Cross Trail
Lake Askoti from the eastern shore.
Lake Askoti from Seven Lakes Drive.
Facing northeast.
Great! Just hiked it today. Amazing views.