Wawayanda State Park
Sussex Co.,
New Jersey
Hiking Trails:
Double Pond Trail: Yellow blaze
Wingdam Trail: Blue blaze
Sitting Bear Trail: Orange blaze
South End Trail: Orange blaze
Pump House Trail: Orange blaze
Boulder Garden Trail: Blue blaze
Total Time: 2:15 hour
Estimated Distance: 5.5 Miles
Pros: Scenic lake and good loop
Cons: Popular and busy area, lots of bikers, no vista view
Hike Type: Loop
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Google Maps of Parking:
I had been at Wawayanda State Park the previous week, and decided to explore the area some more, especially around Wawayanda Lake, the main area of the park. I parked at the boat launch area of the park, and was surprised at all the facilities and people present. There was a bike race going on, with many bikers present and some trails difficult at times because of the volume of bikers.
I took the Double Pond Trail at the northern part of the lake, and took a short detour to the old furnace, which has a fence around it so I couldn't explore it. I then turned around and took the Wingdam Trail south to the Wayayanda Lake Dam. Beyond the bridge near the dam is a short waterfall, and I took a short climb down to the waterfall. I then continued on the Wingdam Trail to the Sitting Bear Trail, a scenic trail towards the south of the lake. I then took the South End Trail around the lake to the Pump House Trail, which I then took to the Boulder Garden Trail. I then connected again with the Pump House Trail back to the northern side of the lake, by the beach, where I walked along the path back to my car.
Map of the Route |
Waywaynda Lake and Fresh Bamboo from the Boat Launch |
Wawayanda Lake Northern Part of the Lake |
Boat Launch and Docks at Wawaynda Lake |
Small Inlet at the Northwestern Part of the Lake |
Rocky Area in the North Part of the Lake |
Another View of the Inlet from a Rocky Part |
Bike Race Participants |
Old Furnace |
Dam and Outlet of Wawayanda Lake |
Another View of the Dam |
Waterfall Below the Wawaynda Lake Dam |
View from the Middle of the Lake |
Rocky Promenade in the Middle Part of the Lake |
Looking Across Lake Wawayanda |
Dense Rhododendron Forest on the Sitting Bear Trail |
View from the Southern Part of the Lake on the South End Trail |
Swamp Adjacent to the Boulder Garden |
Boulder Garden on the Boulder Garden Trail |
Approaching the Bridge in the Swampy Area on the Boulder Garden Trail |
Bridge Across the Brook at the Approaching the Bridge in the Boulder Garden Trail |
Scenic Brook at the Boulder Garden Trail |
Dock at the Northern Part of Wawawanda Lake, at the End of the Hike |
Last View at the End of the Hike |
Me on the Dock at the Lake Wawayanda Boat Launch |
Me with Kayakers Approaching the Boat Launch on Wawayanda Lake |
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