Friday, May 31, 2024

Lake Skanatati and Pine Swamp Mountain

Harriman State Park
Orange Co.,
New York

Hiking Trails:
Arden-Surebridge Trail: Red blaze
Long Path: Green blaze

Total Time: 0:45 hours
Estimated Distance: 1.4 miles
Pros: Scenic area, nice view and lake view
Cons: Overgrown former trail area

Hike Type: Loop
Level of  Difficulty: Slightly Difficult

Google Maps of Parking:

I was a show on Sunday and didn't have the opportunity to go hiking over the previous weekend, or the rest of the week until Friday. It was a beautiful day so left straight from work to Harriman State Park to climb Pine Swamp Mountain. I parked at the parking lot at Lake Skanatati, and took the Arden-Surebridge Trail up the mountain. This trail was rerouted several years ago to bypass the view of Pine Swamp Mountain above Lake Skanatati. I took the trail to the old Arden-Surebridge Trail which you can find blocked off by branches. The trail route is still present but has gotten grown over. I took the trail to the view overlooking the lakes, and then bushwhacked down from the view to the Long Path. I then took the Long Path back to the parking area and alongside the lake.

Map of the Route

Phragmites at Lake Skanatati

Scenic Lake Skanatati

Overgrown Original Arden-Surebridge Trail

Approaching the Pine Swamp Mountain View

Swamp Descending the Mountain

Approaching Lake Skanatati

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