Friday, June 28, 2024

Cylburn Arboretum


Hiking Trails:
Border Trail
Vista Trail
Circle Trail
Buckeye Trail

Total Time: 0:23 hours
Estimated Distance: 1.0 miles

Pros: Scenic, green area in city limits
Cons: No views
Hike Type: Loop
Level of  Difficulty: Very easy

Google Maps of Parking:

I was in Baltimore for the weekend, and took a quick break to walk through Cylburn Arboretum. This quiet area within the city limits of Baltimore features several easy hiking trails, a botanical garden, and an historic mansion. I did a short look prior to heading into the weekend.

Map of the Route

Map of Cylburn Arboretum

Start of the Circle Trail

Bamboo Forest

Deer Fence to Keep the Deer Out for Plant Growth

Ripe Red Raspberries along the Trail

Large Tree

Cylburn Gardens

Cylburn Mansion

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