Sunday, July 7, 2024

Houvenkopf Mountain / Hoodge Kup

Ramapo Mountains at Mahwah,
Bergen Co.,
New Jersey

Hiking Trails:
White Trail: White blaze
Total Time: 0:40 hours
Estimated Distance: 0.6 miles

Pros: Very quiet area
Cons: Area is a bit creepy, view was disappointing

Hiking Partner:
Adina Friedman

Google Maps of Parking:

Houvenkopf Mountain is a mountain over Mahwah right near the New Jersey / New York state line. There isn't any network of trails here and there are some rural houses at the mountain in the area. However, I noticed a new trail here on the 2021 Conference Trail map edition and decided to take it. It's a very short, marked trail from Geiger road to the view above Mahwah. The weather was oppressingly hot, so I opted for this very short hike. The view does overlook Mahwah and the Sheraton hotel, but it's a bit overgrown and not a great view. The trail has a circle loop forming a lollipop loop, which I took in its entirety towards the end.

Map of the Route

Start of the Trail

Small Pond in the Distance

Approaching the View

Sheraton Crossroads at the View

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