Thursday, August 22, 2024

Popolopen Sunset Hike

Bear Mountain State Park
Orange Co.,
New York

Hiking Trails:
Timp-Torne Trail: Blue blaze

Total Time: 1:00 hour
Estimated Distance: 1.0 Mile

Pros: Great scramble with great views
Cons: None
Hike Type: Loop
Level of  Difficulty: Difficult

Google Maps of Parking:

Map of the Route

Wood Carvings at the Trailhead

Map Trailhead

Crossover Trail to the Other Side of the Mountain

Bear Mountain Bridge and Anthony's Nose while Ascending Popolopen

Ascending Popolopen

Bear Mountain from Popolopen

Monument on top of Popolopen

Popolopen Summit

Popolopen Sunset

Black Bear near the end of the Hike

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Kakiat RBBN Hike

Kakiat County Park
Rockland Co.,
New York

Hiking Trails:
Mountain Trail: Orange blaze

Total Time: 1:15 minutes
Estimated Distance: 1.4 Mile

Pros: Good climb, short and sweet
Cons: View at summit is getting overgrown
Hike Type: Back and out
Level of  Difficulty: Slightly difficult

Google Maps of Parking:

Hiking Partners:
Pinny Morozow
Charles Kaufman
Eli Wiener
Yedidya Zeilingold

Kakiat is a very close location and my go place when I need a hike and am short on time. I run a business networking group called the RBBN and took some member of our group on a hike, combining business and pleasure at the end of the work day.

We parked at the main parking area, crossed over the bridge and climbed to the first view on the Mountain Trail. We then continued ascending the upper view. After enjoying the view and taking a break, we then went down the Mountain Trail, taking the shortcut bypassing the lower view.

Map of the Route

Staging Before Starting Out

Kakiat Lower View

Approaching the Kakiat Upper View

Kakiat Upper View

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Bear Mountain State Park
Rockland Co.,
New York

Hiking Trails:
Appalachian Trail: White blaze
Suffern-Bear Mountain Trail: Yellow blaze

Total Time: 1:40 minutes
Estimated Distance: 2.9 Mile

Pros: Very scenic area and good climb
Cons: Very busy area
Hike Type: Loop
Level of  Difficulty: Slightly difficult

Google Maps of Parking:

I parked at the dock area at Bear Mountain down by the Hudson River, and walked up towards the zoo, past the pool, and then up to Hessian Lake. Being a Sunday, this area around Hessian was extremely busy with people making barbecues and parties. I continued past to the steps where the Appalachian Trail climbs the mountain, and went along to the first view, the waterfalls, and then to the end of Perkins Drive by the dead end. I then took a short spur to the view facing south, and then bushwhacked along the old former Appalachian Trail route that connects to the Suffern-Bear Mountain Trail. I noticed that the Suffern-Bear Mountain Trail was also rerouted here further down the mountain and will explore this further on another trip. I then continued from here back the route I came back to my car.

Map of the Route

Bear Mountain Bridge and Bear with Antlers Statue

Bear Mountain Bridge and Anthony's Nose

Hessian Lake

Hessian Lake and Bear Mountain

Hessian Lake

AT Trail Information at the Foot of Bear Mountain

First View at Bear Mountain

View of the Hudson River, Iona Island, and Peekskill


View Facing South, Facing Dunderberg, Bald, the Timp, and West Mountain

View at Dunderberg

View on the Former AT Trail