Monday, September 2, 2024

Storm King Labor Day Hike

Storm King State Park
Orange Co.,
New York

Hiking Trails:
Storm King Bypass Trail: White blaze
Howell Trail: Blue blaze
Stillman Trail: Yellow blaze
Butter Hill Trail: Orange blaze

Total Time: 1:30 hour
Estimated Distance: 1.6 Miles

Pros: Nice climb with great views
Cons: Parking area can be type
Hike Type: Loop
Level of  Difficulty: Slightly Difficult

Google Maps of Parking:

The weather had been been perfect and this was a great Holiday weekend. I opted for a short hike at Storm King Mountain, one of my favorite hikes in the area. I parked at the Butter Hill Trailhead parking on Route 9W, and took the Bypass Trail along the base of Butter Hill. I then took the Howell Trail up to the Stillman Trail, which I took to the Butter Hill Summit. I then continued along the Stillman Trail and then took a short bushwhack to the Butter Hill Trail which I took back down to my car.

Map of the Route

View on the Bypass Trail

American Burnweed

American Burnweed on the Trail

Ascending the Mountain

View from the Butter Hill Summit

Butter Hill View

Trail Intersection

View Descending the Stillman Trail

Cairn on the Trail

Old Ruins on the Butter Hill Trail

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