Sunday, March 9, 2025

Storm King Mountain Northern Flank

Storm King State Park
Orange Co.,
New York

Hiking Trails:
Stillman Trail: Yellow blaze

Total Time: 1:05 hour
Estimated Distance: 2.2 Miles

Pros: Very scenic area
Cons: Limited parking
Hike Type: Loop
Level of Difficulty: Moderate

Google Maps of Parking:

I wanted a more light hike at Storm King. I parked on the Mountain Road Trailhead of the Stillman Trail. This trailhead only has limited parking but it was a cold and cloudy winter day so the parking was available. I took the Stillman Trail to the view overlooking the Hudson River, and then took the old road up to the ruins.

I then took a trail that I noticed in the area of the ruins that descends. I took this trail down and it must be an older version of the Stillman Trail. It took me back to the trailhead where I was parked allowing for a full loop.

Map of the Trail

Beginning of the Stillman Trail

Hudson River at Newburgh Bay from the View

Looking at the Main Part of the Mountain

Frozen Waterfall

Ruins on Storm King

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Bear Mountain to Fort Montgomery

Bear Mountain State Park
Rockland & Orange Counties,
New York

Hiking Trails:
Appalachian Trail: White blaze
Twin Forts Trail: Blue stripe in white blaze

Total Time: 1:30 hour
Estimated Distance: 2.8 Miles

Pros: Scenic area along Hudson River
Cons: Busy area
Hike Type: Candy Wrapper Loop
Level of Difficulty: Easy

Google Maps of Parking:

I parked at the dock area at Bear Mountain, and took the path up to the Bear Mountain Trailside Zoo. The Appalachian Trail goes right through the zoom. I took the Appalachian Trail in the zoo past the exhibits, and was surprised to see the bear out and not hibernating despite the cold weather. 

I took a spur to the viewpoint over the river, and then took the paved zoo path to the Fort Clinton remnant site. I then continued to the area behind the bridge, and took the Twin Forts Trail underneath the Bear Mountain Bridge to the Popolopen Creek.

I crossed the Popolopen Creek on the pedestrian suspension bride, and then toured through the Fort Montgomery historical site, where the Americans fought the British in the Revolutionary war. I then turned around and took the Appalachian Spur Bypass Trail around Bear Mountain, and returned back to my car.

Map of the Route

Bear Mountain Bridge and the Elk Statue

Bobcat at the Zoo

Porcupine at the Zoo

Bear at the Zoo in the Winter
(Shouldn't he be hibernating)

Hudson River

Fort Clinton Remains

Anthony's Nose & Bear Mountain Bridge

Ft. Montgomery Trailhead

Popolopen Footbridge

Route 9W Popolopen Bridge

Bear Mountain Bridge from Popolopen

Fort Montgomery Historic Site

Ice on the Trail